Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Marzano = PMG??

I think a lot of the stuff that is in Marzano's book is also in Preach My Gospel. It makes sense because good teaching is good teaching no matter the topic.

Most of these chapter headings are used either with the teachers/missionaries or the learners.

Ways that the Marzano chapters are similar to PMG:

Identifying similarities and differences: most people will do this automatically with the gospel. They will look for ways that our church is the same as or different from theirs.

Summarizing and note taking: Everyone learns better when they write down what they learn. The Spirit continues to give revelation if the learner shows gratitude for the new knowledge by writing it down.

Reinforcing effort and providing recognition: Making sure they have a friend at church to support them and be there for them when the missionary is gone.

Homework and practice: Homework and practice.

Nonlinguistic representations: The pictograph of lesson 2 (plan of salvation), flip charts, etc.

Cooperative learning: Try to teach them in families or groups of friends. They will be each others' support system and will have similar experiences to draw from. Also FHE, sunday school classes, wards, stakes, areas, etc.

Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback: Help investigators set goals and ask for a report on how they did. Give feedback and support. Answer questions.

Generating and Testing Hypotheses: Help them know it is right for themselves. You only know if it's true by obedience. If you get blessings, it's a true principle.

Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers: Help them ask the right questions and look for things in the readings. Use prior knowledge and build on it with the new knowledge.

Ya, I think that covers most of PMG. I would like to have PMG as a text for this class. I think it would be more beneficial because it was written with the spirit and there are ways to adapt it.

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