Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What was it?

I had something really good from Tuesday's class but I forgot what it was. Hmm....

I am teaching about STL #3 in class. It's the relationship between technology and other fields of study. Personally, I think there is no way to actually accomplish anything without using technology.

In English, to write a paper, it's required to be typed. Also, if research is required, where are students going to go for information and resources? Wikipedia...yeah.

In math, it takes a smart person to figure out advanced equations without a calculator.

In P.E., well, maybe PE is exempt from this over-generalization. Unless you count music to go with a workout, stopwatches to keep track of records, and other non-essentials.

But you get my point. It is very difficult to make it through life without technology these days. People even make fun of me for not having an iPod. I don't really see a need for one.

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