Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reflection 2

In class this week, we had the opportunity to teach. I taught a principle about attitude and how it can change lives. I really enjoyed the opportunity to teach. It's great practice and it's not as scary as doing it in front of actual students in an actual classroom where you are responsible for their learning the material. I'm not saying that this is not real, I'm just saying that they won't be tested on my presentation. I say presentation because I feel like I could have done a better job teaching it than I did. It was more of a presentation and I don't think it hit home like I had hoped.
We focused on checking for understanding. I forgot about that part...funny, because it is one of the most crucial points. In the book we are reading, it talks a lot about that and about how to create tests to fit your objectives.
I really enjoyed learning about the different styles of learning and the theorists that go with them. I think you have to have a mix of all three to have a good learning environment. I would like to discuss these theories more in depth because I kept thinking of more tests that could be done (ex. Bandura's experiment with the bobo doll...Would he get the same results if he used video games instead of actual toys? Just curious.)

1 comment:

gaw said...

Yeah, it's funny how often we forget to check for learning and get in presentation mode when we are in front of the classroom - I do it all the time (we're always learning).