Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reflection 1

“There is no greater responsibility than the training of the human soul.”
I really enjoyed class this week. It re-inspired me to continue on my path to become an educator. I’ve never really thought about the definitions of learn, teach, technology education, teacher, and student. My partner and I came up with these definitions (which will be built on throughout the semester):
Learn: To grow in understanding &/or knowledge through personal experiences, reflection, others’ experiences/knowledge to improve life.
Teach: To facilitate learning. To invoke curiosity in a pupil so they willingly and actively learn for themselves.
Some things from the reading that I thought were helpful:

“This book will only help you become the teacher you were meant to be.” Teaching is not for everyone but we are all teachers.

“Money and materials cannot buy an ideal learning environment. Only YOU can provide that environment.” Some schools will not have the means to provide what you think you need. Make do.

“4 Stages of teaching: 1.Fantasy 2.Survival 3.Mastery 4.Impact”

“Education is not teaching people things they don’t currently know. Education is teaching people behaviors they don’t currently practice.”

“Having positive expectations simply means that the teacher believes in the learner and that the learner can learn.”

Whatever you believe about a student will happen. “It is essential that the teacher exhibit positive expectations toward all students. That attitude benefits both the teacher and the student, as well as the overall classroom environment.”

Continually learning as a teacher will help you become an effective teacher. Don’t get stuck in the same routine with the same handouts and the same books. Improve just as you would expect your students to improve. Research is simply finding solutions to your problems. Do it.

“Listen, listen, listen.”

Some teachers lose sight of who is really important in their teaching. “Always remember: student achievement and success are why teachers teach.”

Intersperse questions throughout all class activities. It’s proven to help students comprehend and internalize the material.

Sorry if this is longer than expected. I really enjoy this book and the class. I may have more to say on the first section of it by the time I finish reading it. For now, this will do.

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